Sunday, February 13, 2011


Day 30: Blueberries

Day 30:  Composition, Rule of Thirds

So here we are -- the last day!  I wanted to go out with a bang, but I used up all my inspiration yesterday.  I sure am glad I saved the easiest technique for last! Tonight I had to fall back on my dinner (no, not literally, silly!).  I remembered that the dodge tool is my friend, and got rid of the black shadow on the front of the focal blueberry.  I know the color isn't quite there, but I did my best adjusting the jpeg.  (Not sure why Elements will process the DNGs sometimes, but not others.)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 29: The Old Red Courthouse

Day 29:  Post-Processing, HDR

I thought I'd do an architecture photo to make up for the one that wasn't architectural enough.  Of course, I had to apply another technique to it for it to count, so I did HDR.  I'm not at all sure I have the hang of HDR yet, but I do know that the result looks much better than any of the three originals.  It would be a whole lot easier with HDR software.  ;)

This is the Old Red Courthouse in downtown Dallas, TX.  It was finally retired as a courthouse a few years ago, and is now a museum.  It's located right down by Dealy Plaza, home of the infamous grassy knoll and 6th floor book depository.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 25: Skylight

Day 25:  Style, Architecture

Day 24: Ducks

Day 24:  Composition, On the Diagonal

I was out taking photos of the overpasses near me for diagonals (for the third time -- I keep on not using them), when I saw these ducks.  They were pretty far away, so I didn't have good enough resolution, but I liked them anyway.  They got too far away before I could get a better shot.  I had to clone some out for a better diagonal.  Maybe I'll go shoot the overpasses again for Rule of Thirds or architecture (and then probably not use them again).

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 22: Guess what?

Day 22:  Style, Abstract

I took a photo and applied a gradient map.  I'd tell you what this is, but where's the fun in that? 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 21: Ladder

Day 21:  Post-Processing, Inversion

Today I went outside to take pictures of our glorious snow.  As soon as I laid eyes on this ladder with the snow in my yard below and the snow on my neighbor's roof above, I thought, "Inversion!"  (Restaining my fence is definitely on my list of things to do next summer.  :o   )

To make sure I practiced the other kind of inversion, where the colors are flipped, here's the same photo, now both flipped upside down and with inverted colors.  I also reframed it.  :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 20: Chartreuse

Day 20:  Post-processing, Monotone

I'm not sure what I was supposed to do in post-processing to make this monotone.  It seems pretty monotone to me already.  If I had time to shoot this over, I would move the horse head a bit so it didn't partly cover the girls' face.  Oh heck... if I had time to shoot this over again, I'd probably do something entirely different!  But it was fun.  :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 19: The Worrier

Day 19:   Portraiture, Hands and/or Feet

I softened the focus on this to show that the worrier isn't really conscious of the bitten nails.  The color is cooled and partially desaturated to depict worring oneself to death.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 18: Air Freshener Gel Beads

Day 18:  Lighting, Backlighting

I had this sitting on a piece of glass over a lamp covered in white plastic.  I changed the category within the time frame per Kim's and Uni's comments.  I'll use underlighting another time, now that I understand how to do it!  :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 16: Ewer

Day 16:  Lighting, Silhouette

I had intended this to be rim lighting, but I did a little reading on rim lighting before posting, and I don't think this qualifies.

Day 15: Teacups

Day 15:  Color, Pastels

I tried processing raw files for the first time today.  What an eye-opener!  I use Photoshop Elements, and the tools are completely different!  I was amazed.  I still need to get some decent lighting, but now I'm seeing the possibilities.  Wow!  I was so happy, I put a big 'ol frame around my photo.  I know I went overboard, but I was having fun.  :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 14: My Report

Day 14:  Lighting, High Key

Another first for me.  It's obvious that I need to get some better lighting.  Too late to try again.  Well, at least I'm learning!  :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 12: Falling Star

Day 12:  Camera Controls, Night Shots

I chose this photo not because it was my best, but because I thought it was really cool that I happened to catch a falling star.  It was really faint, so I boosted it a little.  Now it doesn't look as real, but at least it shows!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11: Orange

Day 11:  Color, Complementary Colors

I like this composition, but I didn't get the lighting right, and ended up with dirty colors in the bowl.  As usual, I don't have enough time to redo.  I might go eat that orange, though!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 10: Salad

Day 10:  Camera Controls, Shallow DOF

I'm not so happy with this for a few reasons.  First, I don't think I got the DOF quite shallow enough for the category.  Also, it seems a little too dark, the color is a little too yellow, and the blueberry in front has a big shadow on the front of it.  But I'm hungry, and I'm going to eat that salad instead of fixing/redoing the photo!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 8: Swooping clouds

Day 8:  Style, Landscape

I hope this qualifies as a landscape.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 6: C7 Bulbs

Day 6: Camera Controls, Macro

If you're not familiar with C7 lights, they are the Christmas bulbs that are about 2" long from tip to tip. 

I took some photos that were the most macro I can get with my camera, just the inside of one of the lights, but I liked this photo better.

Day 5: Cub Scout

Day 5:  Portraiture, An Animal Portrait

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2: Square Cow

Day 2:  Composition, Square Frame

This is my lovely opalescent "Hot Dog Stand" cow from my Cow Parade (r) collection.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 1: Tea Anyone?

Hi - This is my first-ever blog!  I hope I do it right.  I'm posting my Day 1 photo for the Worth1000 30-Day Draconian Challenge.  I'm doing the All-Techniques Challenge.

My technique for today is Lighting:  2. Sidelighting.