Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 27: Chopping Onions

Day 27:  Camera Controls, Motion Blur


  1. What a cool shot. Definitely falls into the motion blur categoty. Very well done.

  2. Well done capturing the chopping motion of the knife so well. I know it's harder than it looks!!

  3. Wow, that chopper looks like he is really going hell-for-leather. Excellent work on portraying that frantic movement with exactly the right shutter speed. I do feel like I am looking at a master chef in action.

  4. Whohoo! Great speed shot, Kat! (Hell-for-leather? I am clearly not familiar with all the down-under sayings.)

  5. "He"???? LOL! Of course, it's another one of my 1 am shots ("Let's get this over with..."), so it's me. Of course, I AM a master chef! At least, I can chop onions, huh? ;)

    It's funny, but I had to slow down the action and exaggerate the motion so you could see the knife at all. When I went too fast and not high enough, there was just a slightly darker, unrecognizable fuzz spot on the photo.

    DJL, I've always heard it said "Hell bent for leather" in Texas. I know what it means, but the literalism escapes me.

  6. Fantastic motion blur shot. Well done!

  7. Lovely motion blur. What a funny time to be chopping onions. This challenge can make us do strange things.

  8. Having done a month on motion I admire this shot but before I saw the comment in your blog I had not recognised the knife in the forumview. So perhaps slow down even a tad more next time to have the knife a little more clear among the motionblurs.

  9. Very definitely motion blur...good job.
