Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 25: Skylight

Day 25:  Style, Architecture


  1. To me this is more a ghostly abstract than architecture even though I have seen many architechtural abstracts.

  2. This doesn't strike me as particularly architectural either. It is a beautiful abstract though. The soft colour palette and blurry gentleness of the whole thing, as well as the angle at which it is presented, all contribute to make this extremely non-architectural and far more in the realms of ethereal painting. Very beautiful outcome!

  3. Although this may be an image of something architectural, it's not a photo of architecture. A architectural photo would help the user see the lines of buildings. This is more impressionistic, perhaps of how the architecture made you feel. It is not bad, but not quite right for your theme.

  4. I wanted to post before going to bed, so I looked around my house at midnight for something I could call architecture. I chose this tunnel because all the texture and most of the drywall tape has been scraped off, so I thought it would look kind of cool with my flashlight shining on it. It didn't. It looked awful, so I added radial blur to make it look a little bit mysterious and artsy.

    Maybe I'll go out this weekend and do an architecture shot, but call it Rule of Thirds or Central Composition.

  5. Looks like something from that show ghost hunters. Very eerie!

  6. I was thinking it was a corridor with a door at the end. Nice shot and I think it is almost a golden mean too.

  7. Very interesting effect...aha, and I have never used radial blur... maybe.... hummmm
