Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 26: Terror

Day 26:  Portraiture, Facial Expressions/Emotion


  1. A good display of some seriously strong emotion. I like the heavy vignette. It is almost like she (you?) is peering through some heavy drapes and hiding behind something to try and stay out of sight of something nasty! Good work!

  2. That's a really good shot you've got here for emotion. Well done.

  3. Someone told her the 30-day challenge has been extended to 60?

  4. DJL, how did you know? ;)

    Actually, it was just the sight of the camera that scared me. I hate getting my picture taken! (Yep, another after-midnight photo with lack of subjects available.)

    My lighting was wrong, as usual, so I added a spotlight in post-processing to redistribute it. I sure have learned a lot of post-processing tricks during this challenge!

  5. All we need is a knife and we have psycho. Well done.

  6. Very strong black and white portrait. You did well with what you had handy, LOL!
    (I must remember that spotlighting trick, I haven't used it for ages)

  7. Haha, I just love this one..too sweet a face to be scary though :)
