Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 14: My Report

Day 14:  Lighting, High Key

Another first for me.  It's obvious that I need to get some better lighting.  Too late to try again.  Well, at least I'm learning!  :)


  1. This is nice, and the tones in it are interesting, but I find the large expanse of pure white perhaps just a little overbearing.

    High key is not necessarily about over-exposing a subject, but rather about shooting a pale-coloured scene.
    When you do, you have to set the exposure on your camera a little higher than the camera's meter would recommend, since it will be trying to neutralise your pale scene and make it grey. You should still have distinct shadow and highlight areas in your image showing the full tonal range of what was prevalent in your scene. The outcome is called high key because the scene itself was pale to start with.

    Of course, deliberately over-exposing a scene also leads to a high key (pale scene) result, but needs to be done with great care to ensure that it doesn't look like an accidental result of over-exposure.

  2. I'm with you, Kat...every day is an education. One of my goals is to be able to know/see what Kimbomac so clearly articulates in her critques. 15 days to go!

  3. I agree with you 100%, DJL! I am loving all of her advice! (Thank you, Kim!)

    I know this was a really bad photo. My problem was with the lighting. Even though the background was white like the books and paper, I had some bad shadows in the back. In trying to neutralize them, I blew out the front. I didn't have time to reshoot, so I just posted to meet the deadline.

    If I did it again, I would fix the lighting and move the pen a bit to the left and place it at a different angle. Otherwise, I like the composition.

  4. I like the way you placed the books in your frame and the yellow toning is sweet.
    I still find most technical stuff hard to get consistently right. Learn and try again, that's my motto.

  5. I find this a very peaceful image to look at.

  6. We are here to learn (and not just from our own shots)

  7. I definitely wouldn't call this a bad photo, Kat!! I find it very pleasing. Perhaps it's not technically high-key, but it's still a very pretty shot :-)

  8. Nice tone to the photo.

  9. It's not a bad photo. The composition is very nice. The lighting is just a tad too strong, blowing out all the lights making it a bit harsh on the eyes. This is a learning experience though, so please don't beat yourself up about it.

  10. This is surely a learning experience. I've learned a few new tricks along the way. The composition is good but it's just too overexposed, I can't really see any details :(

  11. You are very brave trying new techniques. This one has lots of good things going for it and I am sure your re-shoot went great.
