Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 18: Air Freshener Gel Beads

Day 18:  Lighting, Backlighting

I had this sitting on a piece of glass over a lamp covered in white plastic.  I changed the category within the time frame per Kim's and Uni's comments.  I'll use underlighting another time, now that I understand how to do it!  :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 16: Ewer

Day 16:  Lighting, Silhouette

I had intended this to be rim lighting, but I did a little reading on rim lighting before posting, and I don't think this qualifies.

Day 15: Teacups

Day 15:  Color, Pastels

I tried processing raw files for the first time today.  What an eye-opener!  I use Photoshop Elements, and the tools are completely different!  I was amazed.  I still need to get some decent lighting, but now I'm seeing the possibilities.  Wow!  I was so happy, I put a big 'ol frame around my photo.  I know I went overboard, but I was having fun.  :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 14: My Report

Day 14:  Lighting, High Key

Another first for me.  It's obvious that I need to get some better lighting.  Too late to try again.  Well, at least I'm learning!  :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 12: Falling Star

Day 12:  Camera Controls, Night Shots

I chose this photo not because it was my best, but because I thought it was really cool that I happened to catch a falling star.  It was really faint, so I boosted it a little.  Now it doesn't look as real, but at least it shows!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11: Orange

Day 11:  Color, Complementary Colors

I like this composition, but I didn't get the lighting right, and ended up with dirty colors in the bowl.  As usual, I don't have enough time to redo.  I might go eat that orange, though!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 10: Salad

Day 10:  Camera Controls, Shallow DOF

I'm not so happy with this for a few reasons.  First, I don't think I got the DOF quite shallow enough for the category.  Also, it seems a little too dark, the color is a little too yellow, and the blueberry in front has a big shadow on the front of it.  But I'm hungry, and I'm going to eat that salad instead of fixing/redoing the photo!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 8: Swooping clouds

Day 8:  Style, Landscape

I hope this qualifies as a landscape.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 6: C7 Bulbs

Day 6: Camera Controls, Macro

If you're not familiar with C7 lights, they are the Christmas bulbs that are about 2" long from tip to tip. 

I took some photos that were the most macro I can get with my camera, just the inside of one of the lights, but I liked this photo better.

Day 5: Cub Scout

Day 5:  Portraiture, An Animal Portrait

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2: Square Cow

Day 2:  Composition, Square Frame

This is my lovely opalescent "Hot Dog Stand" cow from my Cow Parade (r) collection.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 1: Tea Anyone?

Hi - This is my first-ever blog!  I hope I do it right.  I'm posting my Day 1 photo for the Worth1000 30-Day Draconian Challenge.  I'm doing the All-Techniques Challenge.

My technique for today is Lighting:  2. Sidelighting.